April Joint Employees of the Month: Tracey Henry and Antoinette Dumayne

In April we have decided to award a Joint Employee of the Month to Tracey Henry and Antoinette Dumayne to acknowledge their hard work and fantastic performance.
Tracey has recently taken on her own caseload and has worked fantastically hard to build wonderful relationships with her clients and introducers, which has resulted in Tracey being allocated the Newport Darlows branch, following some great feedback from Lauren, the branch manager.
Antoinette recorded some exemplary performance results in April, achieving 21 Exchanges, 26 Completions and a CSR rating of 88% PLUS Antoinette completed the London Marathon in April, finishing in the top 2% of ladies who ran the race – that is some month!!
Congratulations ladies, we are very proud of your achievements!
May 29, 2019